Austrian Triennial on Photography

1993 WAR [Website]
Preperations for the exhibition began in early 1993. There was a practically inescapable logic in relating this photographic event to the desaster taking place in former Yugoslavia, only a few hours away from Graz - an equally artistic and real life logic.

1996 RADICAL IMAGES [Website]
The title served as a screen onto which various fractures, disruptions and questionings, in the social and cultural spheres as well as in that of art, can be projected. Thirty-nine international artists were invited to answer the question as to how photography is to radicalise itself if it is to continue to play a part in the construction and interpretation of contemporary reality.



1999 Publi©Domain [Website]
Twenty-five international artists have accepted the challenge of the organizers to work out visual representations of those systems which together constitute the public sphere. These representations, to which the title of this year's event refered, served as a paradigma for spaces in which and for which images are created.

Please request cataloges at the "Triennial Office".

Organisation office
A-8010 Graz, Tummelplatz 9
Phone: +43 316 872 - 2237 und 2238